Sunday 16 February 2014

Day Three - Dog Teaches Me To Dance

Today we took Lucy to our friend's house. She was a lot calmer when we were walking there and back, and she didn't bark at the cars going past.

She had some training in the garden this afternoon, and she had fun playing with her toys. 

She cried when we went out in the morning, but didn't seem to make any fuss when we went out in the afternoon! She is now laying on the floor at my feet.

Also, when we were at our friends, I was holding onto the lead, sat on the floor in front of their sittingroom door. Lucy then took off into the room, dragging me behind her - I looked as if I was break-dancing apparently. It was quite amusing, I went flying - legs in the air, spinning round and being dragged so quickly I almost rolled over backwards....

We started converting her food, and mixed half of her current food, with the new food. She ate it all in a matter of minutes - as always - and seemed to enjoy it!

She enjoyed her walk, and her visit to my friends. We also bought some peanut butter to put inside her puzzle-bone. She likes her puzzle-bone a lot, and spends a lot of her playtime with it.


I also bought some wellies for dog walking (read the post on my blog)

Check out Today's video!

She's been trying to sit on the sofa's, which we're working on stopping. I think she's getting the picture! But, she's being a really good girl!

Mol x

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